Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lattes at 11:30

A pair of lattes I made tonight. My coffee has become quite old due to a lack of funds to buy more, but the espresso is passable in milk drinks. Caffeine is a wonderful thing.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vending Machines

It is amazing the things in life that can make you happy. For instance, accidentally buying hot tamales instead of pop tarts at 2 in the morning, and then having the machine give you two instead of one.

In addition:
1. Ice cold Dr. Pepper
2. Popcorn with loads of butter
3. New shoes

Also, someone should explain why we don't have beef jerky vending machines in this country . . . .

Monday, February 8, 2010


"Women made such swell friends. Awfully swell. In the first place, you had to be in love with a woman to have a basis of friendship. I had been having Brett for a friend. I had not been thinking about her side of it. I had been getting something for nothing. That only delayed the presentation of the bill. The bill always came. That was one of the swell things you could count on."

From "The Sun Also Rises" by Hemingway

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When I’m at the pearly gates

This’ll be on my videotape

My videotape

My videotape

When Mephistopheles is just beneath

And he’s reaching up to grab me

This is one for the good days

And I have it all here in

Red blue green

Red blue green

You are my centre when I spin away

Out of control on videotape

On videotape

On videotape

On videotape

On videotape

This is my way of saying goodbye

Because I can’t do it face to face

So I’m talking to you before . . . .

No matter what happens now

You shouldn’t be afraid

Because I know

Today has been the most perfect day

I have ever seen.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Following a list of Charlie Marlow's responsibilities while working up the river:

"When you have to attend to things of that sort, to the mere incidents of the surface, the reality - the reality, I tell you - fades. The inner truth is hidden - luckily, luckily. But I felt it all the same; I felt often its mysterious stillness watching me at my monkey tricks, just as it watches you fellows performing on your respective tight-ropes for - what is it? half-a-crown a tumble--"

From Heart of Darkness.