Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Various things.

So, among other items, I passed Spanish and did ok on my grades. Also, I am almost certainly bringing a car back to school, which will be quite useful.

Have been reading a lot of McCarthy and Faulkner lately. Found a particularly interesting word in McCarthy's first novel, "mizzling," which means about what you would expect it to:

miz·zle 1 (mzl)
intr.v. miz·zled, miz·zling, miz·zles
To rain in fine, mistlike droplets; drizzle.
A mistlike rain; a drizzle.

[Middle English misellen; probably akin to Dutch dialectal mieselen; see meigh- in Indo-European roots.]

mizzly adv.

Also the Middle English/Dutch roots make me happy.

I am currently at my grandparents house in a suburb of Cleveland. Our whole family is going to Cedar Point tomorrow, and I thoroughly plan on going on roller coasters till I puke

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you passed spanish.

    i miss my big tall play thing. haha... just kidding about the play thing part... ;)
